Australia: Lending money to your company to pay wages: leapfrogging the priority of other creditors in a winding-up

When a company is facing short term financial difficulties the directors or shareholders may decide to make a loan to the company to pay wages.

If the loan transaction complies with the requirements of section 560 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act), the third party making the loan to the company can, in the liquidation of the company, seek to be subrogated to the priority position enjoyed by employees in front of ordinary unsecured […]

By | February 15th, 2015 ||

Australia: What should I do about the changes to FIFO? HG Industrial & Employment Law Alert: 12 February 2015

In this Alert, Shane Entriken, Special Counsel, provides commentary on the key Queensland LNP and ALP policy positions around FIFO workforces and what it potentially means for current and future projects.

The political landscape is uncertain with the election result in Queensland still undecided. The policies that the Queensland ALP have proposed in relation to the mining sector pose some important considerations for families, business and the State.

One of the key issues for discussion has […]

By | February 15th, 2015 ||

Canada: Ontario Court Adopts Expansive Interpretation Of Family Status Protection Under The Ontario Human Rights Code

The Superior Court of Ontario recently adopted the test for family status discrimination as outlined in the seminal decision,Johnstone v Canada (Boarder Services), 2014 FCA 110 [“Johnstone”]. In Johnstone the Federal Court of Appeal found that family status includes parental responsibilities such as childcare obligations, which we previously blogged about here.

In Patridge v Botony Dental Corp. [2015] OJ No 226, Lee Patridge (“Patridge”) worked as a dental hygienist with the defendant company – Botony […]

By | February 13th, 2015 ||