United States: AFL-CIO’s Industry Wide Agreement May Have Wide Reach In Hospitality Industry

Mid-way through 2012, the Hotel Association of New York City and the New York Hotel & Motel Trades Council, AFL-CIO (the “Union”), renewed a seven-year collective bargaining agreement known as the Industry Wide Agreement, or IWA. While the IWA controls nearly all aspects of the employer-employee relationship for covered hospitality organizations, it does much more and can potentially bind the unsuspecting. One important part of the agreement which hospitality employers must heed […]

By | January 12th, 2015 ||

United States: Oregon's Minimum Wage Now $2.00 Per Hour Higher Than Federal Rate

After a January 1st increase of 15 cents per hour, Oregon’s minimum wage now stands at $9.25 – exactly two dollars per hour more than the federal minimum wage rate of $7.25 per hour. That places Oregon near the top of the list of 29 states with minimum wage rates higher than the federal rate. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, only Washington and the District of Columbia have minimum wage rates […]

By | January 12th, 2015 ||

Canada: Dismissal Upheld After Sexual Threats Over Facebook

As one of the seminal decisions of 2014, USW and Tenaris Algoma Tubes Inc. raised the issues of off-duty conduct, sexual harassment / threats and social media. The grievance arbitration decision upheld the dismissal of an employee after he posted sexually threatening and harassing comments regarding another employee on his Facebook page.

Most of the facts were not in dispute. On the day in question, the grievor (referred to as “D”) was […]

By | January 10th, 2015 ||