United States: House Passes 40-Hour Workweek Bill, But Enactment Far From Certain

On Thursday, the House of Representatives readily approved by a vote of 252-172 the Save American Workers Act of 2015 (H.R. 30), a bill that would increase from 30 to 40 the number of hours an employee must work per week to be considered “full-time” under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). How many employees are considered full-time under the ACA is important for determining whether the employer meets the 50-employee threshold triggering the law’s […]

By | January 9th, 2015 ||

Australia: How safe is your construction work, site and plant? Checklist for the construction industry

In brief – Check the latest Safe Work Australia codes and guidance material
To assist construction industry participants to comply with the latest work health and safety (WHS) codes and guidance material, we have produced a checklist that you can use to spot check your own systems, related specifically to construction work, safe design of structures, managing the risks of plant in the workplace and scaffolds and scaffolding work.
Realise that WHS regulations affect core activities
Many […]

By | January 8th, 2015 ||

United States: The Next Frontier In ADA Litigation: Website And App Access For The Disabled

For the last several years, consumers have increasingly turned to online shopping as an alternative to traditional “brick and mortar” stores. Some reports showed that “Cyber Monday” sales figures beat out those for “Black Friday” this year, and many retailers are doubling down on their eCommerce efforts in response. What many retailers might not be aware of is the growing risk of litigation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and derivative […]

By | January 8th, 2015 ||