UK: New Year – New Social Media Policy?

In what is thought to be the first such case involving Twitter, the Employment Appeal Tribunal has overturned an Employment Judge’s decision that an employee was unfairly dismissed after posting offensive tweets.

Although the EAT declined to give general guidance about the manner in which misconduct involving social media should be dealt with, the issues in the case give rise to some important practical points for employers.


The claimant, Mr Laws, worked for Game Retail as […]

By | January 7th, 2015 ||

United States: In Like A Lion Or A Lamb? ACA Compliance Begins

January 1, 2015 has come and gone. With respect to employee benefits, it will likely be remembered as the first day of ACA compliance for many employers. If the past year has been any indication, employers will continue to struggle with the specifics of compliance, but for the time being, the initial considerations are more focused on “where are we now” and how we manage going forward. So let’s look at […]

By | January 6th, 2015 ||

Canada: Bill 3 – Personal Information Protection Amendment Act In Force

On December 17, 2014, the Alberta Government’s proposed amendments to the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), found in Bill 3, came into force.

The proposed amendments to PIPA and the motivation for the changes are discussed in our previous blog post.

The Government of Alberta was required to amend PIPA when the Supreme Court of Canada found it unconstitutional, on the basis that PIPA infringed on a labour union’s freedom of expression by limiting the union’s […]

By | January 6th, 2015 ||