Australia: Podcast: Damian O'Connor on MyMelbourne with Glenn Ridge on superannuation from a taxation perspective

Damian O’Connor of our Melbourne office discusses superannuation from a taxation perspective on MyMp 1377AM radio show “MyMelbourne with Glenn Ridge”.

Click here to download the audio file (MP3).

Thanks for reading. We aim to make our publications both informative and entertaining; however, if you need specific legal advice please contact a lawyer (preferably us) rather than relying solely on what you’ve just read. We’re pretty good, but without talking to you, we can’t take your […]

By | December 13th, 2014 ||

United States: Supervisor Squeezing Subordinate’s Nipple: Does The Subordinate’s Gender Matter Under Title VII?

A supervisor allegedly grabbed and squeezed his subordinate’s nipple, and took a towel and rubbed it on the employee’s crotch, according to the opinion of a federal appellate court.

The employee sued, claiming hostile work environment, and claimed that the supervisor “received some perverse sexual gratification” from these acts.

Several other employees complained about similar conduct from the supervisor.

However, the federal court found that as a matter of law there was no sexual harassment or hostile work environment, and […]

By | December 12th, 2014 ||

Canada: Bill To Amend Definition Of ‘Sex’ Under BC Human Rights Code Passes First Reading

Private member’s Bill M 211-2014, titled Gender Identity and Expression Human Rights Recognition Act, passed first reading in the BC Legislature on November 20, 2014. If eventually given royal assent, the bill will amend the definition of ‘sex’ under the Human Rights Code to include “gender identity” and “gender expression”.

The full text of the bill can be read here. We will be sure to keep you updated as this bill makes its way through the […]

By | December 12th, 2014 ||