United States: Voter Actions Undercut Federal Push For $10.10 Minimum Wage

John Thompson’s article “Voter Actions Undercut Federal Push for $10.10 Minimum Wage” was featured on TLNT on November 11, 2014.

Earlier this month, several states and localities voted in favor of increasing their minimum wage.

Right on cue, many (including U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez) seized upon these results as ostensibly supporting an increase in the federal Fair Labor Standards Act’s rate to $10.10 per hour.

On the contrary, the developments emphasize that no such nationwide […]

By | November 25th, 2014 ||

Canada: The Top 10 "Tips And Traps" For Tribunal Member Conduct

I was once asked if I would consider making a presentation to a conference on appropriate (and inappropriate) conduct by Hearing Tribunal members. I readily agreed to consider the request indicating that our Professional Regulatory Group provides one-day training workshops on how to run professional discipline hearings. I was then told that the conference didn’t have a day for the presentation but instead had only one hour available for the presentation. I was challenged to […]

By | November 24th, 2014 ||

UK: Staffing Your Start-Up

Concerned about recruiting, retaining and rewarding employees in your start-up? Our UK Managing Director writes in MiBusinessMag and gives his top tips to start-up staffing.

“By their very nature, start-ups have little or no track record, have yet to prove themselves, involve a varying degree of continuity and business risk and are often less structured than more established companies. Whilst these characteristics are part and parcel of the dynamic environments that entrepreneurs often foster within […]

By | November 24th, 2014 ||