United States: Proponents Of Florida's Medical Marijuana Amendment Have High Hopes But Will Its Passing Affect Your Workplace Policies?

Executive Summary:  If voters approve the ballot initiative “Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions” (“Amendment 2”) this November, Florida will become the 24th state plus Washington D.C. to legalize medical marijuana.1  Amendment 2 would amend the Florida Constitution to allow the medical use of marijuana for individuals with certain debilitating conditions as determined by a physician. The proposed amendment gives little insight into its potential effect on employer policies, and, if approved, the […]

By | October 25th, 2014 ||

United States: New Calif. Law Imposes Shared Liability On Employers And Labor Contractors For Assigned Temp Workers

On Sept. 28, 2014, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill that will hold employers liable for certain California Labor Code violations committed by their labor contractors, regardless of the employer’s control over or direct participation in such violations.

New Shared Liability Standard

Effective Jan. 1, 2015, under Labor Code § 2810.3 (Section 2810.3), each affected California employer will:

“Share” responsibility and liability with its labor contractors with respect to the “payment of wages” to […]

By | October 24th, 2014 ||

United States: IRS Announces Cost-of-Living Adjustments for Qualified Retirement Plans

In a news release (IR-2014-99) on October 23, 2014, the IRS announced the cost-of-living adjustments to the various dollar limitations applicable to qualified retirement plans for 2015.  As had been widely predicted, most of the limitations have been increased.
Limit on Compensation
The maximum amount of compensation that may be counted for plan purposes for plan years beginning in 2015 is $265,000, up $5,000 from the $260,000 limitation applicable in 2014.  This limitation applies for calendar […]

By | October 24th, 2014 ||