United Kingdom: TUPE Reforms To Be Implemented In January 2014

The Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Amendment Regulations 2014 (‘2014 Regulations’) come into force on 31 January 2014 and will implement the reforms to TUPE.

BIS has published a revised guide to TUPE to take account of the changes made by the 2014 Regulations. The guide now also covers service provision changes, transfers in the public sector and pension rights on a TUPE transfer.
The final 2014 Regulations
The reforms to be implemented […]

By | January 28th, 2014 ||

Big Changes In The Wind For Ontario Employers

Bill 146, (the Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act, 2013), recently received its first reading. If enacted, Bill 146 will have significant implications for Ontario employers as a direct result of amendments it will make to the following employment legislation:

Employment Standards Act, 2000
Labour Relations Act, 1995
Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act (Live-in Caregivers and Others), 2009
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997

Among the potential changes, the amendments propose to increase the […]

By | January 24th, 2014 ||

Australia: Anti-bullying laws for workers: the FWC is getting ready

The new ‘bullying jurisdiction’ in a few words…
In short, the new provisions confer on the Commission power to deal with an application by a ‘worker’ (who may be any person performing work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking) for orders to stop bullying of the applicant in the workplace by an individual or a group of persons. ‘Bullying’ is repeated unreasonable behaviour towards a worker that causes a risk […]

By | January 23rd, 2014 ||