Italy: Recent Developments In Employment Law After The So Called "Fornero Reform"

Upon the entry into force of the major employment law reform known as “Fornero Reform” (Law 28 June 2012, no. 92), the Italian employment law system experienced significant changes, from both a substantive and procedural law perspective. After the enactment of the Fornero Reform, further changes have been introduced, mainly by virtue of “urgent” decrees. In this connection, between the end of 2012 and the summer of 2013 the following decrees have been issued, […]

By | December 10th, 2013 ||

Canada: BC Refines Its Criminal Record Checks Regime – Employers' Rights Preserved

The Province has made it possible for employees and volunteers to rely on a single criminal record check for a five year period with multiple employers, yet an employer’s right to require a criminal record check in every case is preserved.

The Province has made some important amendments to the Criminal Records Review Act (the “Act”), directed mostly at employees and volunteers who work with children or vulnerable adults but which could also impact employers. TheCriminal Records […]

By | December 9th, 2013 ||

More Confusion Likely Over California's "Paid Family Leave"

Earlier this year Gov. Brown signed into law an expansion of the state’s “paid family leave” benefit. While the new law does not become effective until July 1, 2014, already media outlets have reported that employees will have expanded rights to paid time off from work next year. This is only partially correct and it continues to spread the confusion over what “paid family leave” really means.

Beginning in 2004, California employees who took time […]

By | December 6th, 2013 ||