"Morbidly Obese" Employee Held Disabled By Kentucky High Court

At five feet four inches, four hundred twenty-five pounds, a food truck employee at Wagner’s in Kentucky was morbidly obese and suffered from diabetes.  She was fired due to her “personal appearance” –  two of her coworkers testified that she told them that she was informed that she was fired because she was “overweight and dirty.”  She sued  for disability discrimination under Kentucky’s version of the ADA, and after being thrown out of court on a […]

By | August 14th, 2013 ||

German Legislator Decides To Cap Bonuses For Bank Staff – CRD IV Implementation Act Adopted

On July 5, 2013, the German Federal Council (Bundesrat) decided to raise no objection against the CRD IV Implementation Act passed by the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) on June 27, 2013. The legislative procedure for this Act, which implements Directive 2013/36/EU (Capital Requirements Directive IV, “CRD IV”) into German law, is thus completed.

Together with Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 (Capital Requirements Regulation, “CRR”), the CRD IV is part of the so-called “Single Rule Book”. The Single Rule Book enhances the capital adequacy […]

By | August 13th, 2013 ||

Malta: Employment Related Obligations And Policies

Employment and Industrial relations

In 2002, the Maltese Parliament enacted legislation on employment and industrial relations, thus consolidating previous applicable labour law into one piece of legislation.
The Employment and Industrial Relations Act (2002) which is in line with the EU acquis communitaire, sets up the Employment Relations Board principally responsible to promote the introduction of national minimum standard conditions of employment and sectoral conditions of employment aimed at ensuring standard conditions of employment in all […]

By | August 7th, 2013 ||