Australia: Hiring disabled employees in the suppported wage system

People often judge a book by its cover and this still applies when it comes to the judgments we make about each other. In light of the proposed anti discrimination legislation, this article outlines how the supported wage system assists with the employment of disabled persons.
Industrial awards have specific provisions which provide that employees with a disability can receive wages on a sliding scale according to their ability to […]

By | May 10th, 2013 ||

Dispute Regarding Temporary Workers In Permanent Employment Positions

Besides the previously presented decisions of the Federal Labour Court, temporary employment has also occupied the courts of lower instance. The Regional Labour Court [Landesarbeitsgericht, LAG] of Berlin-Brandenburg had to deal with the question of when the deployment of temporary workers can be classed as “provisional”. Section 1 of the German Temporary Employment Act [Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz, AÜG] in the version applicable as of 1 December 2011 states namely: “Employees are provided to the hiring enterprise on a provisional basis”. […]

By | April 30th, 2013 ||

Canada: Employment Law @ Gowlings – April 2013

Ontario Ministry of Labour “Blitz” focuses on Vulnerable Workers in the Spring and Summer of 2013
The Ontario Ministry of Labour (“MOL”) focuses its regulatory attention on specific topics where it sees a more urgent need. Its 2013 current spring and summer “blitz” addresses the needs of vulnerable workers. Vulnerable workers typically include those who are young or new to the labour market.

Read the full article

Executive Officer Injury Claims: Employers Can Fall Into “The Gap” […]

By | April 29th, 2013 ||