Ukraine: New Requirements Of The Law On Employment On Personnel Outsourcing (In Russian)

Новые требования Закона о занятости при аутсорсинге персонала
Прежде всего следует обратить внимание на то, что до 1 января 2013 года, когда вступил в силу новый Закон Украины «О занятости» (далее – Закон), вопросы, связанные с аутсорсингом персонала, не были непосредственно урегулированы украинским законодательством. Несмотря на это, компании-заказчики пользовались услугами по различным видам аутсорсинга персонала (т. е. аутстаффингу, лизингу, темпингу) на свой страх и риск, руководствуясь общими положениями КЗоТ и Гражданского кодекса. Таким образом, привлечение работников посредством аутсорсинговой компании было […]

By | February 12th, 2013 ||

Employee Competition: 7 Steps To Protect Your Business

What if one of your key employees leaves to join or start a competing business? Or worse still, what if a number of your key employees leave as a team? The more senior the employees, the more likely they will have had access to your confidential information and data; this often hands them the ability, should they choose to use it, to misuse your data and confidential information and poach your customers and staff. […]

By | February 4th, 2013 ||

Canada: The Many Benefits Of A Good Termination Clause

A recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision means that a properly drafted employment contract can protect employers andtheir employees from personal liability when carrying out a termination.

In Richards v. Media Experts M.H.S. Inc., Lauren Richards, the CEO of Media Experts, was terminated for cause less than one year after she was hired. Richards sued Media Experts for wrongful dismissal and personally named its founder and executive chairman, Mark Sherman, claiming his actions during termination caused her […]

By | February 4th, 2013 ||