Recent Developments Regarding The Employment Standards Act

Under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”), employers are required to post a poster that provides employees with information about minimum standards under the ESA, including information regarding minimum wage, hours of work and overtime, public holidays, vacation time and pay, and notice of termination.

Earlier in January 2019, the Ontario Ministry of Labour released the latest version of the ESA poster – version 8 – which contains changes from the prior version of the poster. Although the changes are […]

By | March 8th, 2019 ||

Canadian Federal Government Adopts “Modern” Labour Standards

There are also new termination considerations when employers effect a “group termination.” Employers will provide 8 weeks of notice of termination, or pay in lieu thereof, in such cases.

There are also a number of new breaks and leaves under the Code. Specifically, employees will be entitled to a 30-minute unpaid break for every five consecutive hours of work, a rest period of at least eight consecutive hours between shifts, and unpaid breaks necessary for nursing […]

By | March 1st, 2019 ||

India: Contract Theory – Lessons For Employment Lawyers

The 2016 Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences was awarded to Dr. Oliver Hart and Dr. Begnt Holmstrom for their remarkable work in the field of Contract Theory. In this article, we provide an overview of Contract Theory principles and how employment lawyers can best utilize these principles to structure employment contracts in areas of employee remuneration and incentivisation.
Contract Theory is the study of contract design and contract optimization – using economic, mathematical, and sociological […]

By | February 27th, 2019 ||