#MeToo Movement Implications On Employment Agreements

Given the rise of the #MeToo movement, companies are having to deal with many issues when drafting employee agreement contracts. In a presentation, Evan Belosa discussed these issues, including triggering events, nondisclosure agreements and restrictive covenant changes. He also addressed latest trends in state and local law affecting hiring and management of the workforce.

View the full presentation.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice […]

By | December 12th, 2018 ||

A Guide To Saudi Employment Law 2018-2019

The basis of Saudi Arabia’s employment legislation framework is fashioned on two pillars. The first pillar is the Royal Decree Number M/51 23 Sha’ban 1426/27 September 2005, with amendments announced in Royal Decree number M/46 of 05/05/1436H (The Labor Law).

The second pillar is the “Implementing Regulations” of the Labor Law. The Labor Law contains detailed provisions that address matters such as, recruitment, employment of non-Saudi personnel, employment contracts, termination of employment, and working conditions. […]

By | December 10th, 2018 ||

2018: Year Of The Employer? Two Helpful Decisions On Termination Clauses

Two recent Ontario cases have continued a recent trend of employer-friendly decisions regarding the enforceability of termination clauses. These cases reinforce the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in Amberber v IBM Canada Ltd1 (which we wrote about here) which found that judges should not strain themselves to try and find ambiguity in employment contracts.

Raposo v CA Canada Company2

Mr. Raposo was a Senior Business Technical Architect employed by CA Canada Company, the Canadian subsidiary of an American software […]

By | December 6th, 2018 ||