Russia: Can Employment Contracts Stipulate Dispute Jurisdiction?

Goltsblat BLP advises that Ruling No.75-KG17-4 of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (the “Ruling”) held that employment contract clauses may not restrict employees’ rights to go to court at their place of registration.

October saw enactment of significant amendments to the labour legislation (for more detail see our Legal Update No.579), including crucial new provisions of the Russian Civil Procedure Code regarding jurisdiction over labour disputes. Labour disputes used to be referred to a court at […]

By | November 7th, 2017 ||

Australia: Bargaining Power In Favour Of Employers – Really?

According to the Shadow Minister for Workplace Relations, Brendan O’Connor, (collective) bargaining power has tilted too much in favour of employers. This would rankle many an employer who, amongst other things, would feel the intense irony of Labor asserting that its workplace law, The Fair Work Act (The Act) carries employer bias.

A key tenet of Shadow Minister O’Connor’s National Press Club speech is that employers are “gaming” the Act. He relies on the example […]

By | November 3rd, 2017 ||

From Temporary Employment To Retirement Age: News From The Polish Labour Law

This year, new rules govern the employment of temporary employees in Poland. These changes were introduced to raise the standards for temporary employees (conditions of employment, and legal safety of employers using services of temporary employment agencies).

The most important changes from the employer’s point of view include the following aspects of temporary employment:

1.1. Period of employment

A temporary employee may be employed by the same employer-user (ie employer using the work of a temporary employee, assigning […]

By | November 2nd, 2017 ||