A Null And Void Non-Compete Clause Does Not Trigger Automatic Damages

Until now, there has been no requirement for an employee to demonstrate any loss suffered to be entitled to damages owing to a null and void non-compete clause inserted into his or her employment contract.

In its decision of 25 May 2016 (Cass.soc. 25 May 2016, n°14-20.578), the French Supreme Court reversed this approach. Henceforth, an employee will have to prove the loss suffered in order to claim damages.

In the present case, an employee of […]

By | June 30th, 2016 ||

City Of Los Angeles Expands Paid Sick Leave Requirements Effective July 1, 2016

Employers in the City of Los Angeles have one week to implement policies that comply with the new paid sick leave ordinance, which goes into effect on July 1, 2016, and doubles the current state law requirements. The ordinance (No. 184320) applies to all businesses, regardless of size, that operate in the City of Los Angeles. Approved by Mayor Eric Garcetti on June 1 with an urgency clause for quick implementation, here is what […]

By | June 28th, 2016 ||

Part 2: Lithuania votes in favour of the new Labour Code

On 21st of June the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania voted in favour of a more liberal Labour Code. For the Code to be passed, the approval of the President of the Republic of Lithuania is necessary. Out of all the projects, the Labour Code received the most controversy during the last year due to the changes it offered to the labour market.
Once the Code is adopted, it will be much easier to […]

By | June 27th, 2016 ||